Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sixth Week, ( Wednesday, 12/5/2010 )

My supervisor told us to rearrange the components and modules of the machine because some of the components and modules is mixing each others. Each component and module have to put in their boxes. Therefore, we have to identified the components and modules and put in the their boxes such as swapper module have to put in the swapper box and same goes for others components and modules.

boxes of the component and module of the machine

Then, supervisor ask me to in charge in shuttle of the both machine ASDS 21 and ASDS 22. So, i have to assembled all the components for both shuttle. With the help of the technicians there, i assembled the component of the shuttle part by part. The shuttle of the machine is put beside the machine. For more detail, refer the image.

Shuttle of the machine

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