Monday, May 24, 2010

Eighth Week, ( Monday, 24/5/2010 )

Assembled the sensors at the swapper modules for second machine 'ASDS 22".

Then, My supervisor ask me to check the connection of wiring for shuttle 'ASDS 22' because he want to run the shuttle today. Using multimeter, i checked the wiring for the shuttle.

Add the plastic tubing and fitting for the shuttle

check the wiring for the shuttle

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Seventh Week, (Friday, 21/5/2010 )

Today, all the trainee have to submit the attendance form to the Human Resource of the company. So, I settle the Attendance form with the supervisor.

Then, assembled the speed controller on the tubing for ASDS 22

My supervisor ask me to clean the media and learn to run the ASDS 21 machine. The technician taught me how to run the the machine. Basically, the machine is run by the software. The software is created especially for this machine. I try to figure it out the setting of the machine. It was interesting.

clean the media

Seventh Week, (Thursday, 20/5/2010 )

Clamp the wiring for the Elevator with the molex clamp.
Assembled keyboard bracket
Put the CPU under the frame of the machine
tidy up monitor cable

Monitor under the frame of the machine

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Seventh Week, ( Wednesday, 19/5/2010 )

ASDS 21 almost complete. Therefore, we have to focus to ASDS 22. Today, i make wiring for the tower light for ASDS 22.

wiring for tower light

I assembled the monitor for the ASDS 22.

Seventh Week, ( Tuesday, 18/5/2010 )

My supervisor run the shuttle for ASDS 21.This is to make sure that the shuttle run perfectly.

All the components and Module for ASDS 21 is most complete and only left is to teach the movement of the robot to pick up the media and setting the module to run perfectly.

This is ASDS 21 combine with the shuttle this side and the other side is combine with the swapper frame.

Seventh Week, ( Monday, 17/5/2010 )

The shuttle for ASDS 21 is almost complete. Then, i focus to shuttle for second machine ASDS 22. I already assembled the component for the ASDS 21, so i have no problem when assembled for the second machine because i already familiar with the components.

Sixth Week, ( Friday, 14/5/2010 )

The shuttle for the ASDS 21 95% complete. Then, i tidy up the wiring for the ASDS 21 shuttle.

Combine the shuttle for ASDS 21 with the machine.

tidy up the wiring of the shuttle

Sixth Week, ( Thursday, 13/5/2010 )

I'm continue to assembled the component of the shuttled for both machine. I'm in charge in shuttle, so i have to make sure all the component have to assembled correctly.

Sixth Week, ( Wednesday, 12/5/2010 )

My supervisor told us to rearrange the components and modules of the machine because some of the components and modules is mixing each others. Each component and module have to put in their boxes. Therefore, we have to identified the components and modules and put in the their boxes such as swapper module have to put in the swapper box and same goes for others components and modules.

boxes of the component and module of the machine

Then, supervisor ask me to in charge in shuttle of the both machine ASDS 21 and ASDS 22. So, i have to assembled all the components for both shuttle. With the help of the technicians there, i assembled the component of the shuttle part by part. The shuttle of the machine is put beside the machine. For more detail, refer the image.

Shuttle of the machine

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sixth Week, ( Tuesday, 11/5/2010 )

My supervisor told us to focs for ASDS 21 first because due date for ASDS 21 this week. Hopefully we can complete the task this week. Therefore, we have to rushing to complete the machine.
Tidy up the some of the wiring for the ASDS 21.

wiring inside the machine

Clamp the wiring of the enclosure using molex clamp.

Molex Clamp

Sixth Week, ( Monday, 10/5/2010 )

Checked the connection the wiring for the ASDS 21 using multimeter. The wiring must be check to make sure that, there are no disconnected wire.


wiring has to be checked

Tidy up the plastic tubing for the ASDS 21

Plastic Tubing

Fifth Week, ( Friday, 7/5/2010 )

Alignment the swapper module so that the swapper in the correct position and the swapper can move smoothly between the rod.

Swapper module

Fifth Week, ( Thursday, 6/5/2010 )

Solder the wiring for the second machine ASDS 22.

Fifth Week, ( Wednesday, 5/5/2010 )

The swapper frame arrived already.
My supervisor asked me to assembled the swapper frame but we having difficulties to assembled that.
This is because, the hole for the screw in the wrong side. Therefore, the swapper frame have to modified in order to get the right hole. After the modified, managed to assembled the swapper frame.

The swapper frame

Fifth Week, ( Tuesday, 4/5/2010 )

Assembled the component of elevator for both machine 'ASDS 21' and 'ASDS 22'

Elevator of the machine

Solder the wiring of the swapper for the ASDS 21

Swapper of the machine

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fourth Week, (Friday, 30/4/2010 )

Assembled the accessories of the enclosure.

Then, my supervisor guide me to do the wiring for the swith ON,OFF,EMERGENCY STOP,and EMO. There is Difference EMERGENCY STOP swith and EMO swith. If we push EMERGENCY STOP swith, the machine is not stop immediately while when we push EMO switch, the machine will stop immediately.

First, i have to understand the drawing before do the wiring.

Drawing for the switch wiring

Then, i started to do the wiring for the switch.

Fourth Week, (Thursday, 29/4/2010 )

Do the wiring inside the enclosure.

Then, assembled the driver card and controller card for the conveyor of the ASDS 22 machine.